What If?

Have you ever dwelt on how much your life could’ve been different because of a single choice? It can be heartbreaking at times to think how a single decision, which seemed perfect at the time, has ended up jeopardizing your life. Or, if not that, it’s frustrating to think about how the other choice would’ve, or could’ve, had just infinite new possibilities for you, and oh my, how many of them could’ve had you much happier than you are right now!
The question of “What if?” doesn’t always apply to your past. The future, too, holds a plethora of possibilities. And accompanied with possibilities are fears, too. Mostly, the fear of being a failure, or just another face in the crowd, an insignificant speck on this ever expanding Universe. Or worse, being known for the one mistake that you make.
But hey, as Julius Caesar (or was it Shakespeare?) said, “A coward dies a hundred deaths”. If you don’t go out into the world, you won’t make mistakes and learn from them. Besides, who knows what the Fates have in store for you. And even if you do make mistakes, commit blunders from which you feel there is no salvation, remember that you have at least learned something from the episode, and shall change yourself for the better. As they say, “everything happens for our own good”.